Updated: 05-02-2025


Last name and first name or name of the legal entityLocation (residence) (state, region, city)The basis on which they are recognized as affiliated persons
1Tadjiev Avazkhon AsadullaevichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityMember Supervisory Board of the Bank
2Mavlyanov Zafar SakhibovichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityMember Supervisory Board of the Bank
3Shakirov Farrukh MansurovichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityMember Supervisory Board of the Bank
4Mukhitdinov Maksadjon MansurovichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityMember Supervisory Board of the Bank
5Vasiliev Vladimir VladimirovichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityMember Supervisory Board of the Bank
6Li ZijianChina, Beijing cityMember Supervisory Board of the Bank
7Adilov Kodir MukhlisbekovichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityChairman of the Board of the Bank
8Makhmudov Fazliddin YuldashevichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityMember of the Board
9Mirzaev Bakhodir AlimovichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityMember of the Board
10Rakhmanov Farkhod BakhromovichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityMember of the Board
11Akhrarov Aziz KhamidullaevichUzbekistan, Tashkent cityLarge shareholder of the bank
12“Garant Insurance Group” JSCUzbekistan, Tashkent citySubsidiary company
13“Garan tInvest” LLCUzbekistan, Tashkent citySubsidiary company


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С уважением, Garant bank.
