Updated: 26-09-2024

New time bank!

Garant bank provides a diverse range of services with extensive use of the latest information technologies.

  • Reliable

    You can rely on us for a variety of financial services. We use the most reliable tools in operations.

  • Modern

    We use the latest new technologies. Our methods are the latest in the banking industry.

  • Expert

    Every year our employees develop their skills. We want clients to feel comfortable asking questions, so each of our employees trains and improves their expert skills.

More than 1 000 000 active private clients For individuals
More than 30 000 large corporate clients For corporate clients
12 banking service offices and 10 banking service centers throughout the country Details and branches
More than 25 types of services Financial performance

Bank mission

Become an informed customer choice

We strive to ensure that clients choose us not because they are forced to, but because they feel comfortable with us.

Today the bank is:

  • Member of the Uzbekistan Banking Association
  • Member of the Republic of Currency Exchange
  • Member of the Fund “Guaranteeing Public Deposits in Banks”
  • Member of the international payment system SWIFT
  • Operator of the international money transfer system “Zolotaya Korona”

Brief history of Garant bank

Read more about the bank's history
  • 1994

    In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 18, 1994 N UP-794 joint-stock commercial company “Trade and Trade Facilitation” in order to satisfy the population’s demand for goods and saturate the domestic market, as well as financial support and further development of the Republic’s trade network. It was created in the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 12, 1994 under number 42. The main objectives of the bank are to provide services to trade organizations of the republic, finance trade operations and settlements between trade organizations and enterprises in other sectors of the economy. The founders of the bank were the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Uzbeksavdo Association, Uzkooptayorlovsavdo, UzbekBusiness and the National Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs. That year, 19 branches were opened in all regional centers and individual regions of the country. The authorized capital amounted to 6 million UZS.

  • 1998

    In accordance with the decision of the meeting of shareholders of Savdogarbank and Engilsanoatbank, held on November 18, 1998, Engilsanoatbank was merged into Savdogarbank, and the authorized capital amounted to $1,000,000. The number of branches increased by one and reached 45.

  • 2000

    In accordance with Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 12 dated January 13, 2000, “Mevasabzavotbank merger” with the aim of creating an efficient financial system, reducing management costs and expanding the activities of commercial banks. Savdogarbank joined with an authorized capital of $1,500 million. The amount was delivered. In accordance with this Decree, Savdogarbank undertakes to: expand opportunities for lending to small and medium-sized businesses and private entrepreneurs engaged in processing agricultural products, as well as the production of consumer goods; It is recommended to develop and implement a set of measures to attract free funds from the population and entrepreneurs through the introduction of deposits and deposits. Due to the merger of Mevasabzavotbank, the number of branches increased by 10 and increased to 55.

  • 2005

    German R & D Express - Ausenhandels acquired a 40% stake ($2 million) in Savdogarbank and became a bank with foreign capital and an authorized capital of 8 billion UZS. (equivalent to USD 5 million).

  • 2006

    In accordance with Decree PF 3764 of June 22, 2006, the Uzbek-German open joint-stock commercial bank « Savdogar" became a joint-stock commercial bank due to the acquisition by a foreign investor of the specialized joint-stock commercial bank Savdogar.

  • 2010

    US ALL AMERICAS INTERNATIONAL, INC. The number of foreign shareholders of the bank reached 2, and the authorized capital of the bank reached 22,1 UZS. (10 million EUR).

  • 2012

    This year the number of foreign shareholders of the bank has increased by one. Quito Investment, Singapore invests $3 million US dollars Due to the increase in the number of foreign investors in the bank, the name of the bank was changed to joint-stock commercial bank "Savdogar" with foreign capital, and the bank’s authorized capital reached 30 billion UZS.

  • 2013

    A new foreign investor has appeared as a shareholder of the bank. Astrata AG (Switzerland) acquired 25% of the bank’s shares and has an authorized capital of 42 billion soums. The Shaykhontokhur branch of the bank was opened in the Shaykhontokhur district of Tashkent.

  • 2020

    We were one of the first to commercially launch the ability to top up plastic cards with cash using the CASH-IN system. Also this year, the rating agency “Standard and Sensitive Ratings” assigned a primary rating of creditworthiness and reliability on the national scale at the level (UZ) "A+"

  • 2022

    In accordance with the decision of the meeting of shareholders dated June 17, 2022, it was decided to rebrand and change the names bank to “Garant bank”.

  • 2023

    In 2023, extensive efforts were made to develop banking services and strengthen partnerships. A personalized card design service was successfully launched at each branch, along with the introduction of 10 fixed deposits available in both the national currency and foreign currencies. Significant work was done in the field of cybersecurity to protect both children and adults.

How to contact us?

  • At a bank branch Visit one of our offices
  • On the website We are always in touch via chat on the bank’s website
  • By mail Letter to info@garantbank.uz
  • In the app Garant mobile section “Contact with the bank”

Useful links



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С уважением, Garant bank.
