Updated: 20-01-2023


Microcredit for self-employed individuals.

  • 300 000 000 sums
    loan amount
  • 30 %
    interest rate
  • up to 36 months
    loan term
Self-Employed IndividualsIndividuals independently engaged in activities aimed at earning labor income, providing services to individuals and legal entities, performing work based on personal labor, and not registered as individual entrepreneurs. They are registered with the State Tax Service with the right to accrue work experience and apply incentive benefits.
Client SegmentationCitizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan aged 18 and older, registered with the State Tax Service, as well as self-employed individuals. 
Requirements for a Good Credit History 1.    No overdue debt; 
2.    No outstanding loan balances subject to litigation, including principal and interest amounts transferred to an off-balance sheet account;
3.    Credit Information Analysis Center (KIAC) score above 200 points; 
4.    No active loans classified as "unsatisfactory," "doubtful," or "hopeless";
For loans obtained within the last 12 months:
•    No more than five overdue payments exceeding 60 days;
•    No more than two overdue payments exceeding 90 days.
Loan Amount300 000 000 (three hundred million) sums
Loan TermUp to 36 months
Grace Period Up to 3 months
Lending FormFunds are transferred to the borrower’s plastic card opened in JSC “Garant bank.” 
Minimum Interest Rate on the Loan 30 %
Loan CollateralAt least 125% of the loan amount. 
The following types of collateral are accepted:

1.    Cash;
2.    Movable and immovable property; 
3.    Vehicles manufactured within the last 5 years;
4.    Third party guarantee;
5.    Insurance policy covering credit default risk;
6.    Other types of collateral not prohibited by law and the bank’s current credit policy.

Loan collateral requirement for individuals affiliated with the bank – 130%.