Updated: 20-01-2023

Auto import

Auto Loan for a New Vehicle Manufactured by Foreign Producers for Self-Employed Individuals

  • 600 000 000 UZS
    loan amount
  • from 26%
    interest rate
  • up to 60 months
    loan term
Loan DefinitionAuto Loan for a New Vehicle Manufactured by Foreign Producers for Self-Employed Individuals with Official Income  
Client SegmentationCitizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan aged 18 and above with official income from self-employed activities. 
Requirements for a Good Credit History 1.    No overdue debt; 
2.    No outstanding loan balances subject to litigation, including principal and interest amounts transferred to an off-balance sheet account;
3.    Credit Information Analysis Center (KIAC) score above 200 points; 
4.    No active loans classified as "unsatisfactory," "doubtful," or "hopeless";
For loans obtained within the last 12 months: 
•    No more than five overdue payments exceeding 60 days;
•    No more than two overdue payments exceeding 90 days.
Loan Issuance MethodThrough a closed credit line
Loan AmountUp to 600.0 (six hundred) million UZS
Loan TermUp to 60 (sixty) months
Grace Period  Up to 6 months
Loan PurposeFor the purchase of a passenger vehicle from the primary market
Loan Disbursement MethodFunds are transferred directly to the bank account of official dealers or car dealerships. 
Minimum Interest Rate for Individuals with Official Income
Interest Rate on the Loan
Initial Down PaymentAnnual Interest Rate
from 25 to 35%27%
35% and above26%
Minimum Interest Rate for Self-Employed Individuals
Interest Rate on the Loan
Initial Down PaymentAnnual Interest Rate
from 25 to 35%28%
35% and above27%
Interest CalculationInterest is accrued daily at a fixed rate and repaid in annuity installments according to the established schedule.
Key Requirements for Loan Issuance1.    Good credit history;
2.    No overdue loan debt;
3.    Continuous official income for at least 6 months; 
4.    Self-employment certificate for self-employed individuals; 
5.    Self-employed individuals must be over 18 years old and have official income;
6.    No funds subject to seizure due to an enforcement case initiated by the Enforcement Bureau.
Loan CollateralCollateral for the loan includes the acquired vehicle as well as a credit risk insurance policy for any shortfall in collateral value. The total collateral must cover at least 125% of the loan amount.
The acquired vehicle may be used as collateral under the following conditions:

- Up to 75% of the value of gasoline and hybrid vehicles;
- Up to 60% of the value of electric vehicles.

For individuals affiliated with the bank, the collateral requirement is 130% of the loan amount
Additional conditions
- Signing of a movable property pledge agreement, obtaining notarized consent from the borrower’s spouse for the pledge, and registering the restriction through the Collateral Registry within 10 banking business days from the issuance of the state registration number and the vehicle registration certificate;
- The VIN code must be specified in the sale and purchase agreement for the acquisition of a foreign-manufactured vehicle; the purchased vehicle must be imported into the Republic of Uzbekistan.