Updated: 12-09-2024

Asia Express

The AsiaExpress money transfer system was developed by Asia-Invest Bank (JSC) in 2006 and allows transfers of funds from individuals without opening an account between Russia and Uzbekistan

  • 1.4%
    sending fee
  • USD, UZS
    USD, UZS
    transfer currency
  • 50 $
    50 $
    minimum transfer amount
  • 10 000 $
    10 000 $
    maximum transfer amount

Asia Express is

You can receive a money transfer a few seconds after it is sent.
Asia Express money transfer system developed by Asia-Invest Bank (JSC) in 2006 and allows for money transfers of individuals without opening an account between Russia and Uzbekistan.
The total amount of transfers by an individual resident/non-resident of the Russian Federation without opening a bank account within one month should not exceed the equivalent of US$10,000, determined using the official exchange rates of foreign currencies to the ruble established by the Bank of Russia on the date of transfer.


Мы были бы признательны, если вы согласитесь пройти небольшой опрос, чтобы мы могли улучшить условия и сделать наш сервис еще более удобным для вас. Ваше мнение очень важно для нас.
С уважением, Garant bank.
