Updated: 20-01-2023

“Makon+” mortgage loan

A specific targeted loan for the purchase of an apartment in a multi-apartment building or individual housing. For citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan over 18 years old, who do not have an official income and are self-employed. The purpose of the loan is to purchase an apartment in a multi-apartment building or individual housing.

“Makon+” mortgage loan
  • 30%
    Interest Rate
  • up to 120 months
    Loan term
A targeted loan for purchasing an apartment in a multi-story residential building or a private house. Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan over 18 years old with official income, as well as self-employed individuals. Loan purpose for purchase of an apartment in a multi-story residential building or a private house.
Loan AmountBased on the total cost of the acquired apartment or house
Loan TermUp to 120 months
Grace Period  Up to 12 months
Loan CurrencyNational currency (UZS)
Lending FormFunds are transferred to the seller’s plastic card or a deposit account opened in “Garant bank” based on the initial sale and purchase agreement for an apartment in a multi-story residential building or a private house located in the Republic of Uzbekistan. 
Minimum Interest Rate on the Loan 

For individuals without official income, self-employed, or with a low credit debt burden
Initial PaymentInterest Rate
Loan CollateralAt least 125% of the loan amount. The purchased apartment in a multi-story residential building or private house serves as collateral.

For individuals affiliated with the bank, the collateral requirement is 130%


Мы были бы признательны, если вы согласитесь пройти небольшой опрос, чтобы мы могли улучшить условия и сделать наш сервис еще более удобным для вас. Ваше мнение очень важно для нас.
С уважением, Garant bank.
