Updated: 20-01-2023

Microloan “For payroll projects”

Microloan for individuals participating in the payroll project.

Microloan “For payroll projects”
  • 40 000 000 sums
    Loan Amount
  • from 26%
    Interest Rate
  • up to 48 months
    Loan Term
Microloan for individuals participating in the payroll project. 
Loan Amount40 000 000 (forty million) sums
Loan TermUp to 48 months;
Grace Period  Not applicable
Lending FormFunds are transferred to the client’s plastic card opened in the JSC “Garant bank” system. 
Minimum Interest Rate on the Loan 

For employees of budgetary organizations (within the payroll project of JSC “Garant bank”) and individuals participating in the payroll project:  

Loan TermInterest Rate
12 months26%
24 months28%
36 months30%
48 months32%
Minimum Interest Rate on the Loan 

For employees of budgetary organizations (not participating in the payroll project of JSC “Garant bank”):

Loan TermInterest Rate
12 months28%
24 months30%
36 months32%
48 months34%
Loan CollateralAt least 125% of the loan amount. The loan guarantee may include a credit default risk insurance policy or third-party guarantee.
Loan collateral requirement for individuals affiliated with the bank – 130%


Мы были бы признательны, если вы согласитесь пройти небольшой опрос, чтобы мы могли улучшить условия и сделать наш сервис еще более удобным для вас. Ваше мнение очень важно для нас.
С уважением, Garant bank.
