Updated: 20-01-2023

Loan Yangilanish

Loan Yangilanish
  • 30 %
    interest rate
  • uo to 36 months
    loan term
Client SegmentationBusiness entities, individual entrepreneurs
Requirements for a Good Credit History • No overdue debt; 
• No outstanding balances on loans subject to legal claims, including principal and interest amounts transferred to off-balance sheet accounts
• Credit Information Analysis Center (KIAC) score above 200 points; 
• No active loans classified as "unsatisfactory," "doubtful," or "hopeless";
• No overdue credit debt from affiliated enterprises in the system of JSC “Garant bank”.
Loan AmountUp to 70% of the project cost
Loan TermUp to 36 months
Grace Period  Up to 12 months
Loan PurposeConstruction or reconstruction of a building for business activities 
(excluding construction or reconstruction for resale purposes)
Loan CurrencyNational currency (UZS)
Minimum Interest Rate on the Loan 30 %
Permissible Types of Collateral1. Cash;
2. Movable and immovable property;
3. Vehicles manufactured within the last 5 years;
4. Third-party guarantee (not exceeding 25% of the total collateral amount);
5. Insurance policy covering credit default risk (not exceeding 25% of the total collateral amount);
6. Other types of collateral not prohibited by law and the bank’s current credit policy.