About corruption
If you have learned or seen corrupt practices related to our bank, you can anonymously send information in the feedback form to resolve this incident:
If you have learned or seen corrupt practices related to our bank, you can anonymously send information in the feedback form to resolve this incident:
Corruption is the lack of decency and honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of official position to obtain benefits by dishonest means.
Corruption – it is the abuse of official position for personal gain.
Corruption has many varieties: bribery, misappropriation of goods and services intended for public consumption, nepotism (when preference is given to family members in hiring), influencing laws and regulations for personal gain — These are all common examples of wrongdoing and malfeasance.
Why does this concern me?
The World Bank estimates that one trillion dollars ($1,000,000,000,000) is wasted worldwide each year.
Corruption causes a country's wealth to decline and the standard of living to decline three percent faster, and the infant mortality rate can drop by as much as 75%.
If you have learned or seen corrupt practices associated with our bank, then you You can send anonymous information in the feedback form to resolve this incident:
Мы были бы признательны, если вы согласитесь пройти небольшой опрос, чтобы мы могли улучшить условия и сделать наш сервис еще более удобным для вас. Ваше мнение очень важно для нас.
С уважением, Garant bank.