Updated: 09-04-2024

Public offer

Public offer for the provision of remote banking services to individuals via the Garantbank mobile app

This document is an official offer (public offer) of Garant Bank JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) capable individuals who have a bank card issued by commercial banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter referred to as the Client) enter into a service agreement in accordance with Art. 367, 369 and 370 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the use of the Garantbank Mobile app (hereinafter – Agreement).

The Client’s performance of the actions provided for in this Offer means his unconditional agreement with the conditions below (acceptance of the Offer). From the moment the Offer is accepted, the Agreement is considered concluded. In everything that is not directly provided for in the Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and customs of business.

1. Terms and definitions

GarantbankMobile app – specialized software created on the basis of mobile technologies, designed to carry out banking operations, obtain information about the status of accounts and other information, as well as perform other actions provided by the functionality of the Garantbank mobile app online.

Client is a legally capable individual, holder of a bank card issued by commercial banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Parties – joint name of the Bank and the Customer;

Bank Card – a bank payment card intended for carrying out transactions, operating online, issued by a commercial bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and registered in the Garantbank mobile app.

Personal data — information recorded on electronic, paper and (or) other tangible media relating to a specific individual or enabling his identification, provided by the Client for the use of the Garantbank Mobile app.

Processing of personal data – implementation of one or a set of actions for the collection, systematization, storage, modification, addition, use, provision, distribution, transfer, depersonalization and destruction of personal data;

Third parties – all other persons except the Bank and the Client, unless otherwise provided by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Participants of the Garantbank Mobile app:

- Bank, providing remote banking services;
- Customer;
- National and international payment systems, other authorized organizations;

Login – registration name of the Client, used by the Client as an identifier for logging into the Garantbank Mobile app;

Password – a secret sequence of characters set by the Client, used by him as an identifier to log into the Garantbank Mobile app;

Order – an action recorded in the form of an electronic document sent by the Client in order to receive the Services available in the Mobile app "Garantbank";

Bank Tariffs – the amounts of the Bank's commission approved by the Bank for the Services provided, provided for in this Agreement and valid at the time of the corresponding transaction (provision of the Service);

Remote banking services (RBS) – provision by the Bank to the Client of a range of services without the participation of an authorized Bank employee using remote banking services. Within the framework of RBS, the Client has the opportunity to use the Banking product and/or carry out a transaction, a one-time transaction, an information transaction, as well as carry out other actions in the manner specified in the Agreement.

2. Subject of the agreement

2.1. The subject of this Public Offer is the provision of remote banking services to individuals through the Garantbank mobile app.

2.2. The Bank provides Clients with the opportunity to use the Garantbank Mobile app, which allows them to make payments for goods and services/work online, manage their bank cards, accept/send money transfers using a bank card online, as well as perform other actions provided for functionality of the Garantbank Mobile app.

2.3. Garantbank mobile app may contain services that can be provided to Clients on a paid basis, in accordance with the Tariffs provided for in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, which is an integral part thereof, as well as the Rules, Conditions and Tariffs published on the Bank’s website on the Internet at www.garantbank.uz. Activation of such services is carried out by the Client independently, at will, after reading the public offer, which specifies the description of the service, the conditions for its provision, the cost of use and other information.

2.4. Remote banking services for the Client are carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regulations of the Central Bank, internal regulations of the Bank, this Agreement and other agreements.

3. Acceptance procedure

3.1. Acceptance of this Offer is carried out by registering the Client in the Garantbank Mobile app. The mobile app is available on iOS and Android platforms.

3.2. The Client undertakes to provide the Bank with reliable, valid information upon registration.
In accordance with Art. 370 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this Public Offer and its annexes is the fact that the Client enters the Verification Code during the registration process.

3.3. By concluding this Agreement, the Client provides the Bank, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on personal data, with unlimited consent to the processing of his personal data (including, but not excluding: payment credentials, cell phone number, bank card numbers, full name, registration data, as well as any other personal data necessary for using the services available in the Garantbank Mobile app), including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data performed using automation tools or without the use of such means in order to execute this Agreement. The Client hereby also agrees to the transfer of any personal data provided by him to the Bank under this Agreement to third parties for the purpose of fulfilling this Agreement.

3.4. The Bank guarantees the Client to take all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of the Client’s personal data in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Personal Data Confidentiality Policy. The Client's consent to the processing (including transfer to third parties) of his personal data can be withdrawn by the Client at any time by sending an email to the Bank at the address provided in the Agreement.

3.5. The Client accepts that the Bank will use cookies and other technologies developed by the Bank to connect the Client’s web browser with the Client’s Credentials in the Garantbank Mobile app and subsequent recognition in the event of further access to services on recipient websites connected to the Garantbank Mobile app ;.

3.6. Before using the Garantbank Mobile app, the Client must fully read the text of this Offer. In case of disagreement with the terms of the Offer as a whole or any part of it, the Client should refrain from using it. Registration of the Client in the Garantbank Mobile app means that the Client has actually become familiar with the terms of the Agreement.

4. Rights and responsibilities of the parties

4.1. The Bank has the right to:

receive information from the Client regarding the identification and proper verification of the Client and the transactions performed by him in order to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on combating money laundering, financing of terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

require from the client information about the sources of funds used in carrying out the operation;

refuse the Client to provide Services on the grounds established by this Agreement, regulatory documents and current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as in the event that it is established that the Client provides unreliable information necessary for the provision of Services;

process any information related to the Client’s personal and/or contact information, using or without automation tools, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, distribution (including transfer to partners of the Bank), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data provided to the Bank in connection with the conclusion and execution of the Agreement, and other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan ;

suspend for an indefinite period the use of the Mobile app and/or its services unilaterally in the event of technical reasons or other circumstances preventing the use of the System;

temporarily, without notifying the Client, suspend the Remote banking services to the Client if there are sufficient grounds to believe that an attempt has taken place or is possible for unauthorized access to the Accounts and other types of cyber-attack;

unilaterally make changes/additions to this Agreement, its annexes, and other rules of the Bank. At the same time, the Bank undertakes to notify the Client about this by posting information on social networks or in the Mobile app;

in the event of a change in the Bank's Tariffs towards a reduction in the amount of commission (creating favorable conditions for the Client), unilaterally apply the data changes no later than the day following the entry into force of changes to the Tariffs without notifying the Client;

without the Client’s consent, write off funds erroneously credited to his Accounts;

The Bank may have other rights in accordance with the current laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Bank undertakes to:

provide Services in a proper manner in the scope and time frame established by this Agreement, regulatory documents and the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

accept for execution the Order drawn up in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and this Agreement;

ensure uninterrupted operation of the Garant bank Mobile app, with the exception of technical work and cases when there are malfunctions in the Mobile app and its services are caused by third parties. At the same time, the Bank notifies Clients about the failure (malfunction) that has occurred and the expected time frame for its elimination by posting information in the Bank’s offices, on the Bank’s corporate website, the Bank’s official pages on social networks or in the Garant bank Mobile app;

obliges to take legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data, ensuring the integrity and safety of personal data, respecting the confidentiality of personal data, preventing illegal processing of personal data, acting in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the terms of this Agreement;

strictly comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of anti-corruption.

4.2. The client has the right:

to become familiar with the Bank's offices, on the Bank's corporate website, the Bank's official pages on social networks or in the Garant bank Mobile app; with the current version of the Agreement

submit a claim to the Bank regarding the quality of the Services provided no later than 30 (Thirty) calendar days from the date of its provision;

receive written confirmation of the transaction using the Garant bank Mobile app when you appear at the Bank

receive advice on issues of Remote banking services at the Bank’s Call-Center or at any branch of the Bank;

demand from the Bank the fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement.

Client undertakes:

obliges to comply with the terms of this Offer;

not to carry out transactions related to criminal activities, financing of terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as sanctions compliance or transactions bearing reputational and financial risks for the Bank;

not to carry out operations related to business activities under this Agreement;

read the terms of the Agreement in a timely manner and in full before joining this Agreement and Tariffs of the Bank;

obliges to independently ensure the information security of the device through which access to the Garantbank Mobile app is provided;

not to disclose the Login and Password that provide access to the Client’s personal account in Garantbank mobile app

when issuing an Order for the provision of Services, provide reliable information requested by the Bank;

provide, at the request of the Bank, documents, information, information necessary for the implementation of the functions provided for by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Agreement;

immediately inform the Bank in case of loss of a mobile device, mobile phone number, Compromise or if there is a suspicion of Compromise of the Client’s data registered in the Systems. At the same time, the Bank is not responsible for the Client’s losses incurred as a result of the above events;

immediately notify the Bank of cases of unauthorized access to Accounts and debiting funds;

take risks related to the possibility of Compromising data transmitted via the Internet or communications;

give the Bank the right to write off funds from Accounts to compensate for losses caused to the Bank by the Client as a result of non-compliance with this Agreement, as well as commissions due to the Bank for execution Orders of the Client in accordance with the current Tariffs of the Bank and Payment systems;

carefully study the information displayed on the screen, select actions from the proposed options in accordance with your intentions and carefully check the correctness of the entered information;

strictly comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of anti-corruption.

The Client guarantees that he is legally capable, and also that he does not intend to use the Garantbank Mobile app for any fraudulent or other illegal purposes.

The Client assumes full responsibility when transferring any information related to providing third parties with access to the personal account in the Garantbank Mobile app, including codes for confirmation of transactions performed, mobile phone number, numbers and validity period of bank cards.

The Client does not have the right to transfer his rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties without the Bank’s prior written consent. Any attempt at such a transfer will be considered invalid.

The Client may have other obligations provided for in this Agreement and the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5. Responsibility of the parties

5.1. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

5.2. The Client is responsible for any losses or other negative consequences arising from failure to fulfill or improper performance of obligations under this Agreement.

5.3. The Client bears full responsibility for the safety of his personal data when entering it on a device that uses unsecured connections or is at risk from malicious programs and apps.

5.4. The Bank is not responsible for improper fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement if such failure was a consequence of the failure to fulfill the terms of the Agreement by the Client.

5.5. The Bank is not responsible for any losses incurred by the Client due to the fact that the Client did not familiarize himself and (or) did not timely familiarize himself with the terms of this Offer, as well as with the offers of paid services when activating them in the Garantbank Mobile app.
The Bank is not responsible:
- if information about the Accounts and/or transactions carried out by the Client becomes known to third parties due to the Client’s fault;
- for the Client making an erroneous payment using the Garant Mobile app bank
- in case of impossibility of providing access to the Mobile app due to circumstances beyond the control of the Bank;
- for untimely or incorrect actions of the Client in the Mobile app, if they are caused by entering incorrect data and/or late informing the Bank about changes in the Client’s personal data;
- for the Client’s losses resulting from the disclosure of the Login, Password and other data through no fault of the Bank, regardless of the reasons that caused the occurrence of such an event;
- in case of untimely notification of the Bank by the Client about Compromising data and/or using the Mobile app without his consent;
- for the quality and technical condition of communication lines;
- for delays and failures that occur in the networks of mobile operators and Internet provider services, which may lead to for delay/non-delivery of SMS messages or delay/failure in the Garant bank Mobile app
- for losses incurred as a result of infection of the Client’s technical equipment with malicious viruses, failures in the operation of the Client’s technical equipment;
- for improper fulfillment of the conditions Agreement, if such failure is caused by reasons beyond the control of the Bank.
- The scope of the Bank’s control is limited only by the performance of the Garantbank Mobile app itself. and does not include liability for failures caused by third parties, or as a result of prohibitions and restrictions imposed by government or judicial authorities.

5.6. The entire information flow of the Garant bank Mobile app, including all content, software, functionality, materials and information available, provided in connection with a request or accessible through the Garantbank Mobile app, is provided “as is”, that is, unchanged form, without any exceptions or additions.

5.7. The Bank does not provide any representations or warranties in relation to the services or content, materials, information and functionality available on the Garant bank Mobile app or in relation to any security violations associated with the transfer of confidential information through the Garant Bank Mobile app in cases of its use in ways not provided for in this Agreement.

5.8. The Bank shall not be liable to the Client or any third party under any circumstances for any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, damage to reputation or any other losses that may be incurred in connection with the Client’s acquisition of goods (work, services) from third parties through the Garantbank Mobile app, as well as for any goods (work, services, information, content) purchased, received or paid for through the Garantbank Mobile app.

5.9. Each Party acknowledges that the other Party enters into this Agreement accepting the limitations of liability set forth in this Agreement and that these limitations are a necessary basis for the understanding between the parties, and neither Party shall be liable for failure or delay caused by any conditions beyond such party's reasonable control, including, but not limited to, circumstances such as, but not limited to, government activity or acts of terrorism, earthquakes, fires, floods or other acts of God, labor situations, power outages and Internet connection disruptions .

6. Termination of agreement

6.1. This agreement is concluded by the Parties for an indefinite period, which can be terminated in the following cases:
- by mutual agreement of both Parties;
- upon written notification by the Bank to the Client 30 (thirty) calendar days before the intended termination;
/>- in case of failure/violation by the Client of the terms of this Agreement;
- on the basis of a written app from the Client to close Accounts with the Bank;
- when the Bank makes a decision to terminate the provision of Remote Banking services;
- based on the Client’s written app to refuse to use the Remote Banking Services. In this case, the Client must personally contact the Bank branch where the Account is opened and provide an identification document.

6.2. The contract is considered terminated immediately after the account is deleted. Termination of this Agreement does not mean termination of Agreements for paid services within the Garantbank Mobile app, if such services have been activated.

6.3. Removal of the Garant bank Mobile app by the Client from the device does not constitute deletion of a personal account and does not mean termination of this Agreement.

6.4. Access to the Mobile app may be temporarily blocked:
- if the Bank has information about the Compromise of the Client’s data registered in the Systems (Login, Password);
- if the Client violates the terms of this Agreement;
- on the basis of instructions from authorized bodies to suspend the operation of the Client’s accounts in the manner prescribed by law;
- in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as internal documents of the Bank.

7. Intellectual property

7.1. The app, its content, structure and design are fully protected by copyright of the Bank. The Bank's exclusive rights also apply to any Intellectual Property created and registered by the Bank, including its trademarks.

7.2. Copyright and other intellectual property rights of the Bank apply to this app and all its content (including products and services).

7.3. Any unauthorized use, processing or publication (including social media) of any information/content on this app, including logo, icon, graphics, image, patent, service/trademark, design, visual media created by the Bank and other intellectual property (registered or unregistered) is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Bank.

7.4. A reference to Intellectual Property in the app does not grant the user a license to use it. Downloading (using) or copying any information from the app by the Client for commercial purposes is considered a violation of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

7.5. None of the provisions of this Offer grant the Client the right or license to use the Bank’s intellectual property specified in this section.

8. Procedure for considering disagreements

8.1. Any dispute arising from this Agreement must be resolved amicably or through a claim procedure. Claims work with the Client and technical support services of the Client are provided exclusively by receiving requests, processing them and sending responses to received requests, which are accepted by the technical support service through the Garantbank Mobile app, by email or by telephone specified in the Mobile app or on the official page Bank www.Garantbank.uz.

8.2. If the dispute that arises is not resolved through a claim procedure, it is subject to consideration on the basis of a written request from the Client. The period for consideration of the app and the requirements for its content are determined by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

8.3. If the dispute that arises is not resolved after the above-mentioned claim procedures, it is subject to consideration in the subordinate court at the place of registration of the Bank in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

9. Privacy Policy

9.1. Information received by the Parties during the execution of the Agreement and not intended by the Party presenting it for advertising purposes is considered confidential. The parties undertake to take all necessary and sufficient measures to ensure that confidential information does not become known to third parties.

9.2. The Parties undertake to pre-coordinate with each other the disclosure of any information about the cooperation of the Parties, regardless of the form and method of disclosure of information.

9.3. Everything regarding the confidentiality of personal data not regulated by this Agreement is determined by the bank’s Privacy Policy provided on the page.

9.4. As part of the services of the Garantbank Mobile app, the Client is provided with the functionality to change (update, supplement) or delete the information or part thereof provided by the User.

10. Other conditions

10.1. The Bank can install updates for the mobile app in the prescribed manner. The client agrees that these updates are subject to the terms of this public offer.

10.2. If the Client has forgotten/lost his Login, the procedure for re-providing the Login is carried out by the Bank's employees when the Client personally contacts him with the presentation of his Identity Document.

10.3. The Bank reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Agreement by notifying the Client electronically. Posting a new version of the Agreement on the website or mobile app constitutes proper notification to the Client of a unilateral change in the terms of the Agreement.

10.4. By accepting this Offer, the Client confirms his unconditional agreement with all the terms of the Agreement and undertakes to fulfill it.

10.5. In everything that is not directly provided for in the Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and customs of business.

11. Bank details

Address: Tashkent, Mirabad district, S. Baraka street, building No. 78

TIN: 201053901

R.S.2980 2000 3000 0043 9111

Bank code:00439

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