Updated: 20-03-2024

Garant bank JSC

Garant bank provides strong relationships with material services and also has a number of powers for our clients.

Bank mission

Become an informed customer choice

We strive for clients to choose us not because they are forced to, but because they feel comfortable with us

Key indicators for 2022

Financial statements
  • Area 1
  • Area 2
  • Area 3
  • Area 4
  • Other areas

Why Garant bank?

  • Reliable

    You can rely on us for a wide range of financial services. We use the most reliable tools in operations.

  • Modern

    We use the latest new technologies. Our methods are the latest in the banking industry.

  • Expert

    Every year our employees develop their skills. We want clients to feel comfortable asking questions, so each of our employees trains and improves their expert skills.

How to contact us?

  • At a bank branch Visit one of our offices
  • On the website We are always available via chat on the bank's website
  • By mail Letter to info@garantbank.uz
  • In app Garant mobile section “Contact with the bank”


Мы были бы признательны, если вы согласитесь пройти небольшой опрос, чтобы мы могли улучшить условия и сделать наш сервис еще более удобным для вас. Ваше мнение очень важно для нас.
С уважением, Garant bank.
