Updated: 20-03-2024

Public offer

Agreement – public offer to open and maintain a demand deposit account for an individual in national/foreign currency

1. General Provisions
  1. This document is an official offer (public offer) of Garant bank JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) to enter into an agreement to open and maintain a demand deposit account in national/foreign currency (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on the terms specified below, with an individual."
    At the same time, enter into an Agreement through the use of the Mobile Banking System "Garantbank mobile". (hereinafter referred to as the System), that is, remotely, can only be carried out by individuals who have previously passed the identification procedure at the Bank.
  2. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 369 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan) in case of acceptance of the conditions set out below and:
    - performing in the System all the required actions necessary to open a demand deposit account,
    - contacting the Bank with an application to open a demand deposit account (in case of opening an account by directly contacting the Bank),
    an individual who accepts this offer becomes the Client (in accordance with Part 4 of Article 370 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, acceptance of the offer is equivalent to concluding an agreement on the terms set out in the offer), and the Bank and the Client jointly become the Parties to this Agreement.
  3. The application submitted by the Client to the Bank/generated by the System to open a demand deposit account is an integral part of this Agreement.
  4. The Agreement is considered concluded between the Bank and the Client:
    - from the moment of registration by the Bank the Client's application for opening a demand deposit account;
    - from the moment the Bank receives the acceptance of the public offer in the System.
  5. Acceptance of the offer - full and unconditional acceptance (agreement with the terms) by the Client of this Public offer (signing in confirmation of agreement with the terms of the Public Offer in a statement when contacting the Bank or putting a mark on agreement with the terms of the Public Offer in the System).
  6. If a demand deposit account is opened through the use of the System, the Client receives confirmation of the opening of the Deposit in System, as well as an SMS message to the mobile phone number registered in the System.
2. Subject of the agreement
  1. The Bank opens a demand deposit account for the Client and undertakes to accept and credit funds received to the Account, carry out the Client’s orders to write off, transfer and issue the corresponding amounts from the Account and carry out other operations on the Account.
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3. Opening and account management procedures
  1. To open an Account, when contacting the Bank, the Client submits the following documents:
    - application for opening an account;
    - identification document of the Client, as well as other documents in accordance with the law.
  2. When opening an Account by directly contacting the Client to the Bank, a savings book can be issued at his request.
  3. The list of transactions on the Account, forms of payment and services provided by the Bank are determined by law.
  4. Payments from the Client's account are made within the limits of the funds balance on the Account.
  5. The Bank sets the interest rate on the funds balance on the Client's Account in the Tariffs. In this case, the Bank has the right to set an interest rate of 0%.
  6. Service for the Client is carried out by the Bank in accordance with the regime of work with Clients established by the Bank.
4. Rights and responsibilities of the Bank

The Bank undertakes to:

  1. Open an Account for the Client after the Client submits the documents specified in the Agreement.
  2. Advise the Client on issues directly related to servicing the Account.
  3. Accept funds received by the Bank in cash and non-cash form from the Client and in the name of the Client from third parties in accordance with the law.
  4. Credit funds received to the Client’s account no later than the next business day from the date of receipt to the Bank.
  5. Fulfill the Client’s instructions to carry out transactions on the account within the time limits established by law. Without the Client's order, the Bank may debit funds on the account in cases established by law, as well as this Agreement.
  6. Provide, upon request of the Client or his representatives acting on the basis of a power of attorney, an extract and certificate from the Account.< /li>
  7. Issue funds at the first request of the Client or his representatives.
  8. Send the Client an SMS notification of completed transactions to the phone number specified by the Client when opening the Account.
    Provide upon the Client’s request information about current Tariffs and terms of service.
  9. Ensure the safety of information about the account, transactions on the account and about the Client, which constitute a banking secret. This information can only be provided to the Client himself, his representative, as well as third parties in accordance with the law.
  10. The Bank guarantees the safety and integrity of the funds on the Account. Seizure of funds on the Account or suspension of transactions on the Account may only take place in cases provided for by law.

The Bank has the right to:

  1. Refuse performing settlement and cash transactions in the presence of facts indicating a violation of the law by the Client.
  2. Debit funds from the Account without acceptance and/or indisputably:
    - when collecting amounts due to the Bank in accordance with clause 4.2.2. of this Agreement;
    - in accordance with other agreements concluded between the Bank and the Client, which provide for the procedure for the undisputed debiting of funds from the Account;
    - on the basis of executive documents, as well as in other cases provided for by law.
  3. If an erroneous entry is detected on crediting or debiting the Account, the Bank has the right to make a correction by debiting or crediting the Account without additional approval from the Client.
  4. Use the Client’s funds available on the Account as a source of financial resources, guaranteeing their availability when claims are made on the Account and the right of its owner to freely dispose of these funds within the limits of the amounts on the account.
  5. Unilaterally change the amount of commission established by the Bank’s Tariffs, make changes/additions to the Tariffs and this Agreement without concluding an additional agreement, with mandatory notification of this to the Client at least 10 (ten) calendar days before the changes/additions come into force. The Client is notified in one of the ways, at the Bank's choice:
    1) posting information on the Bank's official website www.garantbank.uz;
    2) posting announcements on information stands in the Bank's offices;
    3) or in another way at the discretion of the Bank.
    If the Client does not receive objections regarding changes/additions made by the Bank within 10 days, these changes/additions are considered accepted by the Client. If the Client does not agree with the changes/additions made, he is obliged to provide the Bank with a written refusal and an application to close the account within the period specified in this paragraph.
  6. Require the Client to provide additional documents necessary for his identification, request from the Client additional information on transactions carried out on the account, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on combating the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.
  7. Suspend the Client’s operations on the Account and refuse to execute the Client’s orders on performing transactions on the Account (except for transactions for crediting funds) in cases provided for by the legislation on combating the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.
5. Rights and responsibilities of the Client

The Client undertakes:

  1. To open an Account and carry out transactions on the Account, submit to the Bank the documents required by law.
  2. Comply with the operating mode established by the Bank, the procedure for registration and provision documents, comply with the requirements of regulations governing banking activities.
  3. Notify the Bank of changes in the data specified in the agreement, changes in telephone number, passport data (of one’s own and those of authorized representatives), cancellation of powers of attorney and other changes that may affect for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement. If you change your address, telephone number and passport details, notify the Bank about this within 5 (five) calendar days after such change.
    If you change your passport details, the Client presents a new identification document to the Bank. Otherwise, the Bank shall not be liable to the Client for possible adverse consequences associated with the absence of the above information in the Bank.
  4. In case of detection of funds incorrectly credited to the Account and/or debited from the Account, immediately notify the Bank about this.
  5. Pay for services provided by the Bank in accordance with the Bank’s Tariffs. By signing this Agreement, the Client agrees to the direct debiting of funds from the Account in payment for the Bank’s services in accordance with Article 783 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  6. Ensure the availability of funds in the Account sufficient to pay the commission for the Bank’s services.
  7. Do not use the Account to carry out transactions related to business activities.
  8. At the request of the Bank, immediately provide documents and information relating to transactions on the Account necessary to verify compliance of transactions carried out on the Account with legal norms
  9. When receiving an SMS notification from the Bank confirming the balance of funds in the deposit, send a response to the Bank in the requested form.

The Client has the right:

  1. Clients who have opened an Account by directly contacting the Bank have the right to manage the Account remotely (carry out all available operations, close the Account) through the use of the System.
  2. Independently manage the funds in their account, as well as through a representative acting on the basis of a power of attorney, executed in accordance with the law.
  3. Deposit funds into your Account by bank transfer, in cash or in other forms provided by law.
  4. Receive from Bank the necessary information and consulting services on banking services and the necessary documents confirming the execution of operations.
  5. Reclaim the amount of funds available on the Account, in whole or in part.
6. Amount and procedure for payment for Bank services
  1. For services provided to the Client under this Agreement, a fee will be charged in accordance with the Tariffs approved by the Bank.
  2. The commission for services provided by the Bank in accordance with this Agreement is charged by the Bank as transactions are performed on the account by direct debiting of funds from the Account or paid by the Client by depositing cash at the Bank's cash desk.
7. Responsibility of the parties
  1. The Client bears full responsibility for the accuracy of the information specified in the documents provided to the Bank and for the legality of placing funds and conducting transactions on the Account.
  2. For untimely or incorrect crediting by the Bank of funds due to the Client, the Bank bears liability in accordance with the law.
  3. In other cases, the parties are liable in the manner prescribed by law.
  4. In cases of untimely/incomplete written notification of the Bank about circumstances relevant to the execution of the Agreement, as well as about funds incorrectly credited to the Account, changes in information previously reported to the Bank, termination of powers of a representative, responsibility for possible negative consequences rests entirely with the Client.
  5. The Bank is exempt from paying penalties for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations under this agreement when the Client submits to the Bank documents that do not meet the requirements of the law, as well as in the event of suspension of operations on the Bank’s or Client’s accounts in the manner prescribed by law.
  6. Each of the Parties is released from liability for non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of obligations under the Agreement, if fulfillment turned out to be impossible due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances confirmed by the competent authorities and organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which include: military actions, natural and other actions/phenomena officially recognized as such; possible failure of the interbank electronic payment system; acts of state and executive authorities that make it impossible to fulfill the terms of the Agreement.
    8. Validity period and procedure for termination of the agreement
    1. This agreement comes into force from the moment specified in clause 1.4. of this Agreement and is valid for an indefinite period of time.
    2. The Agreement can be terminated and the Account can be closed at the request of the Client at any time.
    3. When closing an account opened by directly contacting the Client The Bank, the balance of funds in the account is issued to the Client or, at his direction, is transferred to another account no later than the day following receipt of the corresponding written application from the Client, provided that there is no debt to the Bank.
      The account opened for the Client through the use of the System is closed by itself The client by transferring funds to the account specified by him in the System.
    4. Return of the deposit is ensured by all the Bank’s property.
      In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-4057 dated November 28, 2008 “On additional measures to ensure guarantees for the protection of citizens’ deposits in commercial banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan" payment of compensation for citizens' deposits from deposit accounts in commercial banks is guaranteed in full, regardless of the size of the deposits.
    5. Termination of the Bank Account Agreement is the basis for closing the Client's Account.
    6. This Agreement may be terminated at the request of the Bank by the court in cases provided for by law.
    9. Other terms and conditions
    1. Mutual claims regarding the Client’s settlements with other persons are considered by them without the participation of the Bank.
    2. All disputes and disagreements in connection with the conclusion, termination, execution of this Agreement, as well as any disputes that may arise in the future, the Parties undertake to resolve through negotiations. If an agreement is not reached, the dispute is resolved by the court.
    3. In everything that is not regulated by the agreement, the Parties are guided by the law.
    4. The Client is familiar with and agrees with the Tariffs


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    С уважением, Garant bank.
