Corporate bank card - allows its custodian, that is, an authorized employee of a corporate entity or individual entrepreneur, to manage funds in the card account.
Card issue The required details of bank cards are: Name of the corporate entity - the owner of the card account and (or) its conditional number in the payment system official name bank card issuer; bank card numbers and expiration date.
Commissions and card payments
- Replenishment of the card account is carried out from the deposit account on the basis of a payment order from a corporate entity or individual entrepreneur.< br />-Corporate entities are not allowed to transfer wages and equivalent payments, pensions, allowances, scholarships and dividends to a corporate bank card, as well as issue cash and (or) purchase foreign currency using corporate bank cards. />- Funds used for non-cash payments using corporate bank cards are funds that are issued to the holder of a corporate bank card on an accountable basis and are used for strictly defined purposes. An individual entrepreneur can make payments from bank cards in national currency for any other expenses related to the activities of production, trade, service, performance of work, as well as established by law. - Unspent funds on the card account will be returned to the deposit account based on a payment order. - Upon termination of activity of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, in accordance with the law, unspent funds on the card account are transferred to a deposit account until they are claimed.
Rules for the use, storage and security of cards
- Responsibility for the legality of transactions carried out using corporate bank cards and bank cards of individual entrepreneurs lies with the corpotate etenity or individual entrepreneur who opened a card account. - Upon receipt of notification from the custodian of a bank card about the loss or theft of a bank card, the issuer is obliged to temporarily suspend transactions on the bank card and take measures to remove the bank card from circulation.< /span>