Updated: 09.04.2024

Currency exchange and international money transfers are also available on weekends

Dear Clients! We inform you that currency exchange offices and international money transfers are available on weekends in even more branches. On March 23 and 24, currency exchange offices will be available: Operations office (Tashkent, Said Barak St., 78) Branch "Almaz" (Tashkent, Lailitugon str., 1) On March 23, currency exchange offices and international money transfers will be available in branches: Mini-bank "Bek-Baraka" (Shopping complex Bek Baraka); Branch in Gazalkent (Tashkent region, Bostanlyk district, Gazalkent city, Lutfiy street, 3) Ishtikhon branch (Samarkand region, Ishtikhon city, Ishtikhon street, 47); Branch in Fergana (Fergana city, Pakhlavon Mahmud st., 7) Opening hours: from 09:00 to 17:00

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С уважением, Garant bank.
