Updated: 06.09.2024

Transition to the unified bank code system

Dear clients of Garant bank,

We would like to inform you about the upcoming transition of our branch network to the unified bank code. This process entails unifying all the bank’s branches under a single code (00439).

Starting from September 6, 2024, the unified bank code will be implemented across all branches and banking service centers (BSC).


After the implementation, branch addresses, service conditions, and existing agreements will remain unchanged.
The unified bank code will ensure the continuous operation of the payment system.
The management key for client’s current accounts and the bank code will be updated. Information about the new details will be available via the call center, at branches, and through all other bank service channels.

Due to technical works:

On September 6, 2024, branches will serve customers until 6:00 PM, while off-site cash desk services will operate until 1:00 PM.
From September 6 to 9, there may be brief disruptions in ATM and terminal services.
On September 6, currency exchange offices will not be providing services.
Remote banking systems will be unavailable.

The following service centers will not serve individuals or legal entities on September 6:
BSC "Yangi Hayot" - Tashkent, Yangi Hayot district, Yangi Turmush street, 21;
BSC "Navruz" - Tashkent, M.Ulugbek district, Buyuk Ipak Yuli street, 479;
BSC "Bek Baraka" - Tashkent region, Zangiata district, Bek Baraka shopping complex;
BSC "Chirchik" - Tashkent region, Chirchik city, A.Navoi street, located in the alley;
BSC "Ulugbek" - Samarkand region, Registon street, 34;
BSC "Jambay" - Samarkand region, Jambay district, Zebiniso street, 3;
BSC "Urgut" - Samarkand region, Urgut city, Navoi avenue, 4;
BSC "Sogdiyona" - Samarkand region, Kattakurgan district, A.Navoi street, 2;
BSC "Chelak" - Samarkand region, Chelak city, Samarkand street, 2.

We apologize for any temporary inconvenience.

Additional information:

Stay updated through the bank’s website and mobile app.
For any questions, please contact our call center.

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